
LVSTD 是专为低真空设计的二次电子探测器,适于对电子束敏感的样品。
TESCAN 低真空二次电子探测器在晶体闪烁体 E-T 探测器的基础上进行了新的设计和开发,是专为低真空模式研发的独特解决方案,并获得专利。 


  • 低真空条件下的纯二次电子成像
  • 精细表面形貌的完美显示
  • 不导电材料无需特殊处理即可高质量成像
  • 低原子序数材料表面结构的精细成像
  • 紧凑的探测器设计,适用于 TESCAN 任何机型的样品仓

新型 LVSTD 探测器

TESCAN 开发了两款新型 LVSTD 探测器,一款可在高达 1000 pa 真空度下工作,另一款作为 VEGA 机型的选配项可扩展到 2000 pa 工作。


  • 改良抽真空系统后,LVSTD 可以在 1000 pa 低真空模式下使用。LVSTD 探测器内部通过涡轮分子泵保持独立的真空度,而通过机械泵进行预抽,也提高了探测器整体的抽气效率。
  • 所有版本的 LVSTD 探测器采集信号的能力都得到了提升。
  • 应用于 1000 Pa 的 LVSTD 探测器配合水蒸气注入系统使用,可以在零度以上的条件下观察含水样品的自然形貌。


Versions of LVSTD detectors offered by TESCAN

LVSTD version Condition Vacuum Microscope
LVSTD up to 500 Pa N2 up to 500 Pa SEMs with low vacuum mode up to 500 Pa
LVSTD up to 1000 Pa (N2) N2 up to 1000 Pa SEMs with extended low vacuum mode up to 2000 Pa
LVSTD up to 1000 Pa (Water Vapor) water vapor or N2 up to 1000 Pa SEMs with extended low vacuum mode up to 2000 Pa and with Water Vapor option



Investigation of cell spreading on bioceramic materials
In the field of current implantology, the conventional usage of titanium alloys is being replaced by ceramic materials. Bioceramics are made by sintering of the ceramic powders (e. g. zirconia or alumina powders) and they are characterized by excellent hardness and tribological properties. Zirconia ceramics are becoming prevalent among biomaterials used in dental implantology. The aim of this study was to investigate osteoblastic spreading in contact with various oxide ceramics. The spreading of the osteoblastic cells MG63 on the zirconia and alumina surfaces was observed using a MIRA3 FEG SEM in the low vacuum mode in order to evaluate the biocompatibility of these ceramic materials.
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