


  • 电子显微镜一直是研究许多环境生态系统的不可替代的工具。
  • TESCAN 扫描电子显微镜产品涵盖了包括污染物颗粒、水和土壤生物、矿物、岩石以及农作物等分析研究的多样化仪器设备和解决方案。
  • 食品科学技术是目前热门研究领域,发展特种作物、研究耐药性、生产营养丰富且成本低廉的食物等也是当今人口密集社会的重要科学议题。
  • 使用 TESCAN 扫描电镜技术,研究人员可以很容易地在多种不同的放大倍数和高分辨率下研究多种类型的样品。利用低真空和水汽注入系统,所有环境样品可在接近自然条件下进行观察分析,从而进一步改进工艺流程和产品配方。


Low temperature scanning electron microscopy for Life Sciences
Low temperature scanning electron microscopy (Cryo-SEM) has become an established technique for capturing and observing biological samples close to their natural state. It is a method of choice, where the traditional sample preparation (e.g. critical point drying) causes unwanted changes in the sample structure. A Cryo-SEM workflow typically involves sample fixation using either flash-freezing in a liquid nitrogen slush or high-pressure freezing. The frozen samples are then transferred under vacuum to a cryo sputter coater, where they are coated with a conductive layer of metals or carbon. Finally, the samples are inserted into a SEM chamber equipped with a cryo-stage and observed in high vacuum environment.
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